== means = for programming
if and else has leaned
elseif : to increase condition
switch: this is the alternative version of elseif
Here is the Code:
$roll = 80;
switch ($roll)
case 60:
print "The is the first Roll 60";
case 80:
print "The is the real Roll 80";
case 100:
print "The is the 3rd Roll 100";
"this is default roll $roll";
result is: The is the real Roll 80
loop: repetition.
ex: 10 roll print ar jonno 10 ta variable likte hoy.
tai akta kaj loop ar modome korbe. tai bole dibo 10 ta print koro.
array ar modde ak type ar data store korte pari. array thke print korte hole loop korte hobe.
forloop, foreach, while, dowhile,
category : 2
1. entry control loop 2. exit control loop
* suru hobe koi thake
*koto kon colse
*increment, decremented
1. entry control loop a age dakbe print hoisa ki na then 1ta print korbe
2. age print kore niba then 2 time korte giya check korbo
while entry control loop
dowhile exit control loop
$water = 10;
for ($water; $water <200 p="" water="">
print " now water is :$water litre
while loop:
entry control loop condition check kore kaj kore
dowhile loop:
1st insalish kora
do akta block
2 statements:
1) break :
class: break.php
$val holo temporary variable ai kane man gulo array thke rakbe. array thke man gulo niba each ($arr) ar list ar 1st para meter a man gulo show korbe.
list akta build in function 200>
<200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">nesting_loop.php: 200>
<200 p="" water="">akon akta loop ar modde akta nibo200>
<200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">Function:200>
SOME COMBINATION OF STATEMENT OF NAME. jake nake kisu statement thake.
user defined , build In.
1st function keyword use
2nd function name(parameter)
3rd parameter daoya hoy jar modde value ta pass kore jai
4th return
<200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">
if and else has leaned
elseif : to increase condition
switch: this is the alternative version of elseif
Here is the Code:
$roll = 80;
switch ($roll)
case 60:
print "The is the first Roll 60";
case 80:
print "The is the real Roll 80";
case 100:
print "The is the 3rd Roll 100";
"this is default roll $roll";
result is: The is the real Roll 80
loop: repetition.
ex: 10 roll print ar jonno 10 ta variable likte hoy.
tai akta kaj loop ar modome korbe. tai bole dibo 10 ta print koro.
array ar modde ak type ar data store korte pari. array thke print korte hole loop korte hobe.
forloop, foreach, while, dowhile,
category : 2
1. entry control loop 2. exit control loop
* suru hobe koi thake
*koto kon colse
*increment, decremented
1. entry control loop a age dakbe print hoisa ki na then 1ta print korbe
2. age print kore niba then 2 time korte giya check korbo
while entry control loop
dowhile exit control loop
$water = 10;
for ($water; $water <200 p="" water="">
print " now water is :$water litre
while loop:
entry control loop condition check kore kaj kore
dowhile loop:
1st insalish kora
do akta block
2 statements:
1) break :
class: break.php
$val holo temporary variable ai kane man gulo array thke rakbe. array thke man gulo niba each ($arr) ar list ar 1st para meter a man gulo show korbe.
list akta build in function 200>
<200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">nesting_loop.php: 200>
<200 p="" water="">akon akta loop ar modde akta nibo200>
<200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">Function:200>
SOME COMBINATION OF STATEMENT OF NAME. jake nake kisu statement thake.
user defined , build In.
1st function keyword use
2nd function name(parameter)
3rd parameter daoya hoy jar modde value ta pass kore jai
4th return
<200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">
200> <200 p="" water="">
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