One Broadband internet that will run on one pc with router data cable and one laptop with wifi.
So you can follow this instruction
Open your Laptop
hardware: connect the broadband line to your laptop directly
click right on wifi icon and go to open network and sharing center
go to change adapter setting
click on ethernet property or local area connection properly
double click on internet protocol version 4 and setup all internet provider address. Select Use the following IP and put all field and select use the DNS server address and put all file. You can get those setting from your internet provider when they have given 1st connection on your personal computer or laptop directly with landline.
I will prefer you will want always setup connection directly on pc, not laptop. After their setup, you can collect that information
Collect mac address. Open cmd and type ipconfig/all from your PC
you can see ethernet adapter physical address so copy this address and collect
click on configure
then enter mac address on this value. Remember this mac address will be your pc mac address
try to connect if not connect then collect username and password to your internet provider.
click on setup new connection
and put your username and password
One Broadband internet that will run on one pc with router data cable and one laptop with wifi.
So you can follow this instruction
Open your Laptop
hardware: connect the broadband line to your laptop directly
click right on wifi icon and go to open network and sharing center
go to change adapter setting
click on ethernet property or local area connection properly
double click on internet protocol version 4 and setup all internet provider address. Select Use the following IP and put all field and select use the DNS server address and put all file. You can get those setting from your internet provider when they have given 1st connection on your personal computer or laptop directly with landline.
I will prefer you will want always setup connection directly on pc, not laptop. After their setup, you can collect that information
Collect mac address. Open cmd and type ipconfig/all from your PC
you can see ethernet adapter physical address so copy this address and collect
click on configure
then enter mac address on this value. Remember this mac address will be your pc mac address
try to connect if not connect then collect username and password to your internet provider.
click on setup new connection
and put your username and password
now the internet will be connected to a laptop with direct line.
Now Wifi Configuration:
reset the router manually from router reset button
After rest router tanda will create a user and back part of the router there is a pin number that is the password of your wifi but not working
login with tanda with username admin and password admin also
and do
click on advance and go to MAC Clone and add your pc mac address that is your pc mac address, change your admin password.
Laptop will be connected to a wifi connection
connect internet provider line to the router and now pc will run from the direct router with data cable and laptop will be connected to wifi.
Thank You.
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